John Liles
As the Head Instructor and President Premier Martial Arts – Lubbock, Master Liles inherently believes that each student who walks through his door is someone whom he is meant to impact in a positive way. He also has the unique ability to personally connect with each individual (parent and student alike) while maintaining the Instructor/Student relationship. His sense of humor and smile create a fun, family atmosphere for learning.
9th Degree Black Belt
– 9th Dan in Okinawan Dai Ni Gojuryu Karate
– 9th Dan Tae Kwon Do Chung Do Kwan
– 5th Dan Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan
– 2nd Dan Kobudo
– 1st Dan Batto Jutsu (sword)
– President of the American Ni-Goju Karate Association
– Board of Directors of the American Karate Black Belt Association
– Board of Directors of Premier Martial Arts International
– Certified International Instructor and Examiner
Angelique Liles
Secretary /Treasure
Angelique has been training in the martial arts since January 1996. She specializes in women’s self-defense classes, rape prevention and abduction awareness seminars. Her smile is infectious and her effervescent personality make her an instant winner with students and parents. Angelique’s eye for detail and demand for consistency bring out the best in each student as they strive for perfection. Outside of the martial arts, she enjoys her work, Pilates, dance, Yoga and reading. As a leader in our community, she enjoys doing volunteer work through various charitable organizations.
4th Degree Black Belt
– 4th Dan in Okinawan Dai Ni Gojuryu
– 4th Dan Tae Kwon Do Chung Do Kwan
– 2nd Dan Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan
– 1st Dan Kobudo